Theda Bara Film Fan Site

Name : Theda Bara

Birth : 29 July 1885
Died : 7 Aril 1955
Nationality: America
Hollywood Walk Star: Yes
Theda Bara

Theda Bara (born Theodosia Burr Goodman) was an actress in silent films from 1915 to 1925. She is considered to be films first sex symbol and coined the pharse "vamp" to describe her characters and very revealing costumes. She made about 50 films but unfortunately most of her films were destryed in a fire at Fox studio's in the 1937 and of her most famous role as Cleopatra only 20 seconds remain. She was married to Charles Brabin.
The Unchastened Woman (1925)
Cleopatra (1917)
A Fool There Was (1915)

Theda BaraTheda BaraTheda BaraTheda Bara