Title:Love Bound
Date: 1932
Type: Drama / Murder mystery
Rating: 3/5
Colour: Black and White
Director: Robert F Hill
A woman (Natalie Moorhead) wins a big financial settlement against an older married man (Montague Love) bringing disgrace to his family. When his wife (Clara Kimball Young) threatens to leave him, their son (Jack Mulhall) sets out to prove that she is actually a gold-digging blackmailer. The woman leaves the country on a boat and the son follows pretending to be a rich playboy in an attempt to get her to blackmail him and so expose her. The plot is nothing special, but the highlight of the film is Matalie Moorhead. She moves between a charming, elegant, beauty to a scheming manipulator. Several of the scenes are well shot to to show off her beauty in some revealing dresses and having her pales face against a black background. It was re-released as Murder On The High Seas.
Jack Mulhall
Natalie Moorhead
Clara Kimball Young
Edmund Breese
Tom Ricketts
Alice Day
William V Mong
Montague Love
Richard Alexander