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Title:Satan's Slave

Date: 1976
Type: Horror
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Norman Warren

A young woman (Candace Glendenning) is taken by her parents to visit her uncle (Michael Gough) . However when they arrive her parent are killed in a car accident. As she tries to deal with the grief, she is pulled into a satanic cult headed by her uncle and cousin (Martin Porter). This is a low budget British horror film, that whilst quite gory in places builds the suspense well as Candace Glendenning tries to work out what is happening to her. The performance of the film is from Barbara Kellerman as the haunting presence of the housekeeper and spurned lover of the cousin.


Candace GlendenningCandace Glendenning
Michael GoughMichael Gough
Martin Potter
Barbar KellermanBarbara Kellerman
Michael Craze
Gloria Walker
James Bree
Celia Hewitt



Satan's Slave