Film Fan Site

Title:Silent Running

Date: 1972
Type: Sci-Fi
Rating: 3 Stars 3/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Douglas Trumbull
Producer: Michael Gruskopff

Bruce Dern is on a space craft carrying the last plants from earth. When the crew are told to destroy the plants, he rebels and takes one ship through the rings of Saturn to save it from destruction. His only company and help are two droids. This is an intruiging film with a mix of sci-fi and early eco/green concerns, with film stealing performances from the droids that make no sound. The director made the drones with more emtional and human characteristcs cmmpared with the computer in 2001 A Space Odessy. Douglas Trumbull was responsible for the special effects in this film as well as 2001. They were also the first film robots that did not try and at least partly resemble humans, but they had human amputees in them and so had some human reactions. .


Bruce DernBruce Dern


Silent Running