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Swamp Thing

Date: 1982
Type: Horror
Rating: 2 STars 2/5
Colour: Yes
Director: Wes Craven
A scientist in the swamps is trying to combine plants and animals. Another scientis as after the formula for this, so attacks the laboratory. He is transformed into the swamp thing, a woman escapes (Adrienne Barbeau) and a battle of wills and strength ensues. This is Wes Craven's 1980s take on the 1950s creature feature. It is a bit episodic with some good scenes and some not so. The performances are also variable, with Adrienne Barbeau the best of them.
Louis JourdanLouis Jourdan
Adrienne BarbeauAdrienne Barbeau
Ray Wise
David Hess
Nicholas Worth
Don Knight
Al Ruban
Dick Durock
Nanette Brown
Mimi Craven
